3rd Annual Conference
Pharmacy: "Phar" from Ordinary
Thank you for making our 3rd annual conference a success! Our in-person conference took place on March 19, 2022.
Conference Schedule
Below is the schedule for the 3rd annual conference. Look in the subpages to see details for each of the panels.

Keynote Speech

Dr. Amit (Manjunath) Pai
Current Titles:
· Chair of the Department of Clinical Pharmacy, University of Michigan College of Pharmacy
· Professor of Clinical Pharmacy, University of Michigan College of Pharmacy
· Deputy Director of the Pharmacokinetics Core Laboratory, University of Michigan
· PharmD: The University of Texas at Austin
· Pharmacy Practice Residency: Bassett Healthcare (Cooperstown, NY)
· Infectious Disease/Pharmacokinetics Fellowship: University of Illinois at Chicago
Research Interests:
· Antimicrobial Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics in Obesity.
· Precision Medicine through Treatment Algorithms that rely on Adaptive Feedback Design
· Population Pharmacokinetic Systems Analyses to Optimize Drug Dosing in Special Populations
Contact: amitpai@med.umich.edu; @DosingMatters; LinkedIn; Pai Lab Website

Compounding Workshop
Assembly Hall
In this interactive workshop sponsored by Clark Pharmacy, attendees will gain an introduction to the process of drug compounding and will acquire hands-on experience in compounding a fictional drug. The workshop will be run by employees of Clark Pharmacy, and is recommended for participants who are interested in PharmD programs.
Antimicrobial Resistance and Infectious Diseases Pharmacy
Earl Lewis Room
In this lecture, Professor Jason Pogue will give an introduction to the importance of antimicrobial resistance, the role of infectious disease pharmacists, and the pathway to becoming an ID pharmacist. If you are considering a career as a pharmacist or desire to learn more about antimicrobial resistance, come join!

Dr. Jason Pogue
Current Titles:
Clinical Professor in the Department of Clinical Pharmacy, University of Michigan College of Pharmacy
Infectious Diseases Clinical Pharmacist, Michigan Medicine
Past President, Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists
B.S. Chemistry: Gannon University
PharmD: University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy
Research Interests:
∙ Epidemiology and Management of Infections due to Multi-Drug Resistant Gram-negative bacilli
∙ Antimicrobial Stewardship
Contact: jmpogue@med.umich.edu; @jpogue1; Website
Interprofessional Panel
This panel will provide attendees with an introduction to five different career paths within the medical profession: pharmacist, medical doctor, PhD, dentist, and health lawyer.

Stan Kent:
M.S. in Hospital Pharmacy: University of Wisconsin-Madison
Chief Pharmacy Officer, Michigan Medicine
Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, University of Michigan College of Pharmacy
Clinical Assistant Professor of Pharmacy, University of Michigan College of Pharmacy
Shannon Cahalan:
Current M.D. Student: University of Michigan Medical School
Maribel Okiye:
Current PhD Student in Chemistry: University of Michigan (Advisor: Dr. David Sherman)
Current MS Student in Bioinformatics: University of Michigan
Elizabeth R. Hatfield:
DDS: University of Michigan School of Dentistry
Clinical Instructor of Dentistry: Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Michigan School of Dentistry
Nour Kadouh
Nour Kadouh is a fourth-year Doctor of Pharmacy student at the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy. She received her Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Biological Sciences in 2018 from the University of Michigan-Dearborn. During her time at the College of Pharmacy, Nour has been involved in the Leadership Scholars Program, Pharmacy Student Ambassadors, American Pharmacists Association-Academy of Student Pharmacists, and Arab American Pharmacists Association. Additionally, she was selected as a 2021 American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Walmart Scholar and co-created a professional elective on leadership for PharmD students at the College of Pharmacy. Post-graduation, Nour plans to join a residency program, with the hopes of pursuing a career in academia and specializing as a pediatric clinical pharmacist in the future.